Afghan Red Crescent Hosts Workshop to Enhance Communication Skills of Provincial Dissemination Managers

دوشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۹/۵ - ۱۷:۳۶

Afghan Red Crescent Hosts Workshop to Enhance Communication Skills of Provincial Dissemination Managers

Today, on Monday, 25th of November, Afghan Red Crescent Society launched a four-day training workshop at its HQ for media managers for all 34 provinces, to enhance participants' skills in contents writing, news writing, reporting, and story writing.

The event was inaugurated by Deputy Secretary General for Operational Affairs, Mawlavi Abdul Latif Sabit, who underscored the importance of the workshop. He emphasized the responsibility of employees to innovate and bring positive changes to their daily work, providing detailed insights on these topics.
Later on, Mawlavi Madasir Hamraz, Director of Information and Dissemination Department and the spokesperson of Afghan Red Crescent delivered an opening speech, highlighting the workshop's significance as a valuable opportunity to build the capacity of media managers.
Throughout the workshop, participants will receive training on drafting effective contents and improving their writing skills, to enhance the efficiency and quality of media-related activities within their respective offices.

تازه خبرونه

دوشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۲/۱۳ - ۱۷:۴۲
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کندهار ولایت کې پر  ۲۰۰ بې سرپرسته او اړمنو کورنیو د ځان بسياینې په موخه نغدي مرسته ووېشل شوه!

کندهار ولایت کې پر  ۲۰۰ بې سرپرسته او اړمنو کورنیو د ځان بسياینې په موخه نغدي مرسته ووېشل شوه!

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دوشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۲/۱۳ - ۱۳:۱۶
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دوشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۲/۱۳ - ۱۳:۸
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د افغاني سرې میاشتې مرستیال د مرکزي رياستونو له مسئولينو سره ناسته ترسره کړه!

د افغاني سرې میاشتې مرستیال د مرکزي رياستونو له مسئولينو سره ناسته ترسره کړه!

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