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The Distribution of over 7 Tons of Dates to Destitute and Impoverished Families in Nangarhar, Sar-e-Pul, Takhar, and Kunduz Provinces!
The Distribution of over 7 Tons of Dates to Destitute and Impoverished Families in Nangarhar, Sar-e-Pul, Takhar, and Kunduz Provinces!
Today, Monday, the 10th of March, ARCS. . .
Healthcare Services to 6422 Individuals in Bamyan Province!
Healthcare Services to 6422 Individuals in Bamyan Province!
Over the past 30 days, the medical staff of ARCS besides check-ups provided medication to 2134 individuals in various parts. . .
The Distribution of Food and Non-food Assistance to Destitute and Impoverished Families in Paktika Province!
The Distribution of Food and Non-food Assistance to Destitute and Impoverished Families in Paktika Province!
Today, Monday, the 10th of March, ARCS with the financial support of. . .