The Acting General President of ARCS held a meeting with the Head of IFRC in Afghanistan!

سه‌شنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۰/۲۵ - ۸:۴۳

The Acting General President of ARCS held a meeting with the Head of IFRC in Afghanistan!

Today, Monday, the 13th of January, Sheik-ul-Hadith Shahabuddin Delawar , the Acting General President of ARCS, convened a meeting in his office with Mr. Necephor Mghendi, the Head of IFRC in Afghanistan, and his accompanying delegation regarding humanitarian aids.
During the meeting, the Acting General President of ARCS besides welcoming the delegation, emphasized on the provision of winter clothing to protect the vulnerable and impoverished people from the harsh winter and underscored the Federation’s support in this regard.
On the other hand, the Head of IFRC in his remarks expected the arrival of non-food items from Finland, Japan and United Kingdom in near future.
Further, it was pledged that the delegation of ARCS, which recently participated in a conference in Geneva, will share the outcomes of the conference with other staff members of ARCS in central and regional offices through workshops. Also, IFRC promised to offer training to five personnel on protection and safety measures in Ankara, Turkiye.

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پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۲/۲۳ - ۱۸:۳۶
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کندهار ولایت کې پر ۶۵ سېلاب ځپلو کورنیو څه کم ۵ ټنه د خوراکي توکو مرسته ووېشل شوه!

کندهار ولایت کې پر ۶۵ سېلاب ځپلو کورنیو څه کم ۵ ټنه د خوراکي توکو مرسته ووېشل شوه!

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پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۲/۲۳ - ۱۸:۳۳
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پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۲/۲۳ - ۱۸:۳۰
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د نورستان ولایت ښوونیز مرکز کې له زده کوونکو څخه آزموینه واخیستل شوه!

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