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Healthcare Services Provided to 10193 People in Jowzjan Province!
Healthcare Services Provided to 10193 People in Jowzjan Province!
Healthcare workers of ARCS provided free medicine after check-ups to 4565 residents across various regions in Jowzjan. . .
Healthcare Services Provided to 31302 People in Balkh Province!
Healthcare Services Provided to 31302 People in Balkh Province!
Healthcare workers of ARCS provided free medicine after check-ups to 8878 residents across various regions in Balkh. . .
Distribution of cash assistance to 163 headless families in the central Marastoon of ARCS!
Distribution of cash assistance to 163 headless families in the central Marastoon of ARCS!
Today, on Tuesday, Afghan Red Crescent with financial support of IFRC distributed in total;. . .