Project Assistant – Disaster Risk Reduction and Livelihoods

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نماینده گی های سمنگان و هرات
وزارت/ اداره: جمعیت هلال احمر افغانی
عنوان وظیفه: Project Assistant – Disaster Risk Reduction and Livelihoods
موقعیت : نماینده گی های سمنگان و هرات
بست : قراردادی
تعداد بست : سه بست
گزارشدهی به : Project Officer
گزارش گیر از: ندارد
- Under the overall supervision of Afghanistan Red Crescent Society (ARCS) Branch Office Director and the direct supervision of Project Officer – Disaster Risk Reduction and Livelihoods, the Project Assistant – Disaster Risk Reducation and Livelihoods will support implementation of the project “strengthening community resilience to climate change in Afghanistan” in target communities and districts of Herat province. Details of the activities and key accountabilities of the post holder are outlined below.
The main areas of accountability and responsibility of this post is to support all the field level activities, especially, the community-based activities, of the project “strengthening community resilience to climate change in Afghanistan” in Herat province. Details are below.
Field Implementation
- The project assistant will mainly be responsible for organizing, motivating and mobilizing target beneficiaries in support of all activities planned under ARCS’s project “strengthening community resilience to climate change in Afghanistan” for improvement of communities’ resilience against the natural disaster risks and climate change phenomena.
- Collaborate with Project Officer and PMER staff to design successful community mobilization strategy.
- Contribute in development of beneficiaries selection criteria, selection of target areas and community engagement and accountability.
- Lead community-based mobilization and sensitization meetings, and with support from other project staff, introduce the project activities to respective community members and project beneficiaries.
- Take part in the process of beneficiary identification and registration.
- Conduct training needs assessment with beneficiaries and support in finalizing the training courses (as planned under the project) based on the result of needs assessment, and support implementation of training courses for livelihoods and beneficiaries of other project activities.
- Support the development of Income Generation Activities (IGA) and other market-based activities for the target communities and beneficiary households, ensuring youth (women and men), children, and vulnerable groups contribute fully to each plan.
- Support ARCS’s procurement team in procurement of required goods that will be distributed to project beneficiaries.
- Support the livelihood beneficiaries in developing their business plans.
- Support the community-based volunteers and other members of the communities in implementing the community-based disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation activities.
- Support the community-based volunteers and other members of the communities in implementing the planned community and school-based WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) and risk communication activities.
Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (PMER)
- Prepare and implement action plan for quality monitoring
- Mobilizing and making communities aware on project objectives, outputs and activities and PMER system and Community Engagement and Accountability practices of ARCS.
- Facilitate project and activities information at all events such as training and workshops.
- Support in data collection and provide inputs to project narrative and statistics reports.
- Provide support in implementation of various assessments (baseline, mid-term review, PDM activities, end line evaluation, etc.) planned under the project.
- شرائط:
- مفتضیات حد اقل برای این بست در قانون جمعیت هلال احمر افغانی و طرزالعمل منابع بشری ، ذکر گردیده است .
QUALIFICATIONS University degree in environmental science, agriculture, BBA, Econmic or any other relevant field of natural science.
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- اشخاص واجد شرایط میتوانند اسناد تحصیلی ، سند تجربه کاری و کاپی تذکره خویش را از تاریخ 1/3/1400 الی 11/3/1400 در مرکز به آمریت استخدام ریاست منابع بشری جمعیت هلال احمر افغانی واقع افشار مربوط ناحیه پنجم شهر کابل و در ولایات به زونها و یا نماینده گی های مربوطه این جمعیت تسلیم نمایند .
- همچنان کاندیدان محترم میتوانند فورم استخدام را در مرکز از آمریت استخدام ریاست منابع بشری و در ولایات از زونها و یا نماینده گی های مربوطه این جمعیت بدست بیاورند .
- در صورت ضرورت به شماره ذیل به تماس شوید
- 0728900111