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At the doorstep of cold winter, on 2nd January, ARCS has distributed winter coats to 120 students of religious school in Paroon, the center of Nuristan province. Along with distribution. . .
Farah and Badghis!
On 1st January, first aid trainers of ARCS have initiated a three-days workshop regarding psychological support for 20 newly recruited volunteers in Noor Abad, the nearby village of. . .
The first aid trainers of ARCS have finalized a two-days workshop, on first aid under the title of refresh course, to 20 volunteers in Jeram district of Badakhshan province. where the. . .
On 1st January, ARCS has arranged persuasive session of active volunteers in Nuristan province, where the session was attended by 12 volunteers. At the end of session, for encouragement. . .
Central South-western Zone!
On 1st January, Mr. Khalid Ahmad "Hamid" Under secretary General of ARCS in operational affairs met Mr. Mawlavi Ilyas khil "Naseri" the director of central South-western zone. In. . .
Nuristan & Panjshir!
On 1st January, to provide health services to vulnerable people, employees of ARCS mobile health team have missioned with full equipments to Nurgram and Bargmatal districts of Nuristan. . .
On 31st December, ARCS has initiated a six-days workshop to nutrition nurses of paralysis project!
The health trainers of Kandahar have initiated a six-day workshop for 10 nutrition. . .
ARCS has finalized a seven-days workshop, which was initiated for administrative, revenue and financial managers of eastern and southern central zones, in Kunar province!
On 30th December, ARCS has arranged a seven-days workshop, under the title of transparency, accountability and financial guidance with the financial support of IFRC and technical help. . .
Health is priority!
On 30th December, ARCS has successfully finalized a three-days workshop, on first aid for newly recruited volunteers, in different villages of Dasht-e-Archi. . .